Music Recruitment and Retention

By NFHS on August 12, 2022 music advocacy Print

Recruitment and Retention

We have already touched on Recruitment and Retention a LOT in Phase I of the Return to Music Project. Here are some additional strategies, ideas, and resources. 

Welcome to Band and Orchestra! These YouTube videos are examples of recruiting videos.

When making a video, teachers should be sure to include the following:

Parents talking about the positives of band or orchestra; Alumni; Current students from a variety of backgrounds; Male and Female students; Footage of performances and rehearsals; Administrators talking about the positives of band and orchestra.


Recruiting the "Lost Class"

When thinking about re-recruiting students into the music program, consider working closely with teachers in feeder schools. Looking at rosters from before the pandemic and reaching out personally to students who are no longer playing as a result of COVID-19 can be the start of a positive relationship and spark the interest again. Learn more about this!


Recruiting this Fall

Ideas to recruit for this Fall. These ideas can be adapted for any level (elementary/middle/high school)

Be sure to target your message to the specific audience you are trying to reach.

For Students--Make the message/recruitment brief, fun, exciting, engaging, hands-on, interactive.

For Parents--Make the message/recruitment brief, clear, powerful/emotionally compelling, eye-catching. Use multiple messages/formats.

Other Stakeholders--Make the message/recruitment clear, factual, and  data-driven.