At 100th anniversary Gilman-McDonogh game on Nov. 7, 2015, left to right kneeling: Adam Sidle , Jay Buck, Steve Smith; back row (left to right): Norm Henn, Alvis Dickerson, Patrick Nagle, James Byrd, Tony DiChiara and Alonzo Ramsey Jr. (Mary Otter / HANDOUT)
Brian Brumfield used to be one of those guys giving the referees an earful from his living room couch every time he watched a football game.
"I was always yelling at officials on TV, 'Hey, you missed that call,' and someone said, "You should go out and try it if you think you're that good,'" Brumfield said. "And I thought, 'You know what? I should.'"
Three years ago, Brumfield, who played high school football in Louisiana, got back into the game.
Now, he's the one who sometimes gets an earful while officiating high school games in Baltimore City, Baltimore County and the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association as a member of the Maryland Board of Football Officials.
The Baltimore Sun