Official Couple Spending Moonlight Nights in Gyms
By Douglas Fritz/Johnson City Press on March 01, 2017
From the Johnson City Press:
Imagine this: You’re in a public place with your wife. Suddenly a man begins yelling at her, saying mean and rude things, asking her if she’s blind or something, and perhaps even worse.
Then other people join in — some adults, some teenagers — and things get even louder.
Do you spring to her defense? Do you whisk her away, and get her out of this situation?
If you’re Jeff Fancher, you try to keep your cool. You wipe the sweat off your brow, and outwardly act as if nothing has happened.
What? Is chivalry dead?
Well, for Jeff and his wife, Elexis, it’s just another night at the office. And their moonlight nights just happen to be in basketball gyms across Northeast Tennessee and beyond. They are the rare — perhaps even Guinness World Records rare — husband-wife officiating team.
Read more here.