Six individuals who have been involved in high school sports officiating for numerous years have been selected as the...
Fourteen leaders in high school activity programs across the country have been selected to receive NFHS Citations. A...
NFHS rules writing committees consist of experts in the given sport. Each committee member is nominated by state ass...
On any given day, there are hundreds (or even thousands) of athletic contests being played in high schools across the...
Thanks to the generous donation from a 1959 graduate of the school, the Salesianum School in Wilmington, Delaware, ...
Twenty-four high school coaches from across the country have been selected as 2023-24 National Coaches of the Year ...
The WIAA recently announced the passing of Karen Kuhn, 82, who was one of the first and greatest girls’ interscholast...
On any given day, there are hundreds (or even thousands) of athletic contests being played in high schools across the...
NFHS Citations will be awarded to eight high school athletic directors December 16 in Austin, Texas, during luncheon ...
Just three years removed from her high school graduation, Torri Huske is an ultra-rare, if not unprecedented selectio...