Ice Hockey Rules Changes - 2014-15

By on November 21, 2014 Ice Hockey Print

6-4-1 ART 1...No player shall check, cross-check, elbow, charge or trip an opponent in such  a manner that causes the opponent to be thrown violently into the boards. PENALTY: MAJOR MINOR. If flagrant, Major. 

6-4-2 ART 2 ...If flagrant or the check causes the player to crash headfirst into the boards, either a MAJOR and MISCONDUCT or GAME DISQUALIFICATION penalty must be assessed.

6-7-1 ART 1...No player shall push, charge, cross-check or body-check an opponent from behind in open ice. PENALTY: MAJOR MINOR AND MISCONDUCT. 


3-4-4 Description of a proper tooth and mouth protector language was updated.

4-10-2 Emphasized that all penalties, served or not, shall be recorded on the score sheet

5-2-2 Officials shall wear all required equipment for both the warm-up and the game.

5-3-1b Officials are responsible for having access to a NFHS Rules Book during games.