3-2-1 NOTE (NEW): Beginning with the 2026-27 school year, state associations may adopt the use of a non-smooth or textured volleyball.
Rationale: Allows either boys or girls to adopt a textured volleyball with no restrictions on color or shape of panels to be inclusive of all current textured volleyballs on the market.
4-2-1h(3), 4-2-1i(2): Team members may wear black, white or gray undergarments in addition to undergarments that match the predominant color of the uniform top/bottom under the uniform top and/or bottom. All team members, other than the libero, wearing an undergarment must wear the same color.
Rationale: Aligns with other NFHS rules codes allowing athletes to wear more commonly found colors of undergarments.
4-2-4d, f: Beginning July 1, 2029, the number on the front of the uniform must be centered on the upper half of the uniform top eliminating the measurement requirements from the shoulder seam and neckline.
Rationale: Removes officials from the position of measuring uniforms to verify the legal distance of the number from the shoulder or neckline, creates consistency in number placement, and allows for number placement variances due to player body types.
5-3-2b, 5-5-3b(9): Eliminates the requirement for the second referee to carry and use a lineup card to check the starting lineups.
Rationale: Allows veteran officials to use each coach’s submitted lineup sheet to check the starting lineup while allowing the use of the lineup card as a training tool for newer officials to assist with tracking rotations during the match.
9-4-8c (NEW): Eliminates the judgment call of a multiple contact fault in a single attempt to play the ball on the second team hit if the ball is next contacted by a teammate.
Rationale: Allows for play to continue when multiple contacts on the second contact does not create an advantage for the offending team.
10-4 PENALTIES 1: Changes the penalty administration for an illegal libero replacement to an unnecessary delay if identified before contact of serve and an illegal alignment if identified after contact for serve.
Rationale: Aligns the penalty for an illegal libero replacement with the definition of illegal alignment which occurs on contact of serve.
2025-26 Volleyball Editorial Changes
4-1 & 4-2 PENALTIES; 4-2-4c; 7-2a; 7-4; 7-1-4 PENALTIES 1 & 2; Signal 1
2025-26 Volleyball Points of Emphasis