Wrestling Rules Changes - 2013-14

By on November 21, 2014 wrestling Print

1-1-3; 4-3-1; 4-3-6 (NEW); 10-1-2: Standardized the rules language dealing with the use of electronic devices and video recording.

1-4-3; 5-13; 5-17-2: Forfeits are no longer considered as matches wrestled when considering the five matches in one day limit.

4-2-1 NOTE (NEW): Starting with the 2014-15 wrestling season, hair covers will be required to be attached to the ear guards.

4-5-9 (NEW): If a wrestler chooses to weigh-in with the artificial limb, the wrestler shall wear the artificial limb during competition at all times.

5-1-1; 6-6-2d (NEW): Added additional rules coverage for a bad time situation that involves choice of position after the two-point stalling call not being given during a match.

2013-14 Editorial and Other Changes

1-1-1; 1-1-2; 1-2-2; 1-3-4c; 1-4-2; 2-1-5 diagrams ; 2-4-1; 4-5-7; 5-5-1, 2; 5-15-2a(5) (NEW); 5-21-1; 5-29-2; 5-30-3; 6-2-4; 7-4-1; 7-5-4; 8-1-2c; 8-2-2; 9-2-2a, b; 9-2-2o; Illustrations: 18, 36, 49, 83, 91.

2013-14 Points of Emphasis

1. Communicable Diseases
2. Skin Checks and Weigh-ins in Multiple-day Competitions
3. End-of-Match Procedure
4. Assistant Referee Responsibilities