4-1-2: No additional manufacturer's logo, trademark or promotional references are allowed on the uniform.
4-5-7: Modified what can be worn by wrestlers in the designated weigh-in area.
5-10: The definition of escape was modified.
5-15-1, 5-15-2, 5-15-3: A wrestler is now inbounds if two supporting points of either wrestler are inside or on the boundary line. This could be two supporting points of one wrestler or one supporting point of each wrestler.
5-18: The definition of out of bounds has been revised.
5-22-1, 5-22-2: The definition of a reversal has been revised.
5-24-3e, f: Stalling in the neutral position also takes place when a wrestler is backing off the mat and out of bounds, as well as when the wrestler is pushing or pulling out of bounds.
5-25-1, 5-25-3: The definition of a takedown has been revised.
5-28-3: The definition of a recovery time out when a wrestler is injured because of the opponent's false start has been clarified.
6-4-1: The criteria when a match is stopped has been revised.
7-1-5q: The Nelson-Cradle is a new illegal hold/maneuver.
7-1-5y: Modified that a specific maneuver is not allowed.
7-4-2: Repeatedly dropping to one knee, as well as one hand, to break locked hands is considered unsportsmanlike conduct.
8-2-2: Clarified if a wrestler is injured because of the opponent's false start, then the injured wrestler should be accommodated with recovery time.
2018-19 Wrestling Points of Emphasis