Twenty-one high school coaches from across the country have been selected 2010 National Coaches of the Year by the Na...
Players in marked lane spaces will be able to move into the lane when the ball is released by the free-throw shooter ...
Overview The high school 800-meter race is a true ‘hybrid’ event in that virtually any sound athle...
Four individuals who excelled as high school athletes, including former Washington Redskins’ all-pro quarterbac...
It is proving to be a banner year for girls sports in the United States. In June, we celebrated the 40th anniversary ...
It is proving to be a banner year for girls sports in the United States. In June, we celebrated the 40th anniversary ...
Increasing an athlete's vertical jump in boys high school basketball can be a difficult task for a coach. In toda...
Depending on your coaching situation, you may need to run a "tryout/team selection process.” The procedures l...
At the end of the season, a coach often looks back in order to look ahead. Often that assessment involves setting u...
Since transition defense is the key to a successful half- court defense, you will need to make it your No. 1 priori...