NOTE: The following is meant to help administrators understand the many levels of coaching and strive to hire coaches...
Hosting a foreign-exchange student can be a positive life-changing experience – not only for the student and the host...
For the past decade, issuing of annual media passes is one of the most debated topics during the Sports Information D...
With her Olympic gold medal claimed last month as a member of Team USA women’s basketball, Jackie Young added anoth...
Committee members are nominated by state associations, as is the chairperson, who guides the members through their wo...
Expanding opportunities in high school sports has been the storyline of two major announcements from the NFHS this ...
More than eight million participants competed in high school sports in the 2023-24 school year – an all-time record a...
At the request of its member state associations to address the nation’s fastest-growing emerging high school sport, t...
Involvement in high school sports and performing arts programs in our nation’s schools provide students many opport...
Download a PDF version Warning For Delay Delaying a game and allowing it to develop into an actionless contest is no...