Among the changes to high school swimming and diving rules for 2017-18 are ones that address risk minimization and ...
For years, high school sports officials have routinely put some of their important, confidential, personal informatio...
The NFHS has developed the NFHS AllAccess, the New NFHS Digital Publications Platform that includes: Rules Publi...
This month, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) is embarking on a National Officials R...
When it comes to sportsmanship, the more, the merrier; the more student-athletes, coaches and fans are practicing g...
Not all that long ago, our monthly league meetings consisted of stacks of three-ring binders. Often, progress would s...
For many high school athletic directors, filling a coaching staff today is a lot different than it used to be. “I ...
Editor’s Note: The following is an interview with Andy Cardinal, athletic director of the Cardinal Local School Distr...
The search for competitive balance of schools has led many state associations in recent years to develop multiplier r...
Long odds stare at an official before he or she even takes that first step onto a court, field or sheet of ice. New...